Fancy Mountain Man’s Grilled Romaine Salad!
Experience delicious grilled romaine salad at home from the kitchen of the Fancy Mountain Man!
Avoid Unnecessary Conflict through good Communication
Primary cause people leave ministry is conflict. Most of it could be avoided with good communication.
Life is Stress: Pastors Can Help the Church and Themselves
Life is stressful and ministry is stressful. There are steps you can take as a pastor for your own stress and those of your congregation.
Book Release: Don’t Blow Up Your Ministry
The Book The Motivation This book was born out of several motivations. FIRST, was to help Christian leaders live life as fully and freely as possible from their own [...]
Marble Retreat Cookbook
It's amazing to see him in action! That manly mountain man who plows the driveway, fixes the plumbing, plunges toilets and happens to be a gourmet chef. Bob’s an enigma! He does it all [...]
Ministry is Stressful: Minister in Freedom
Ministry is stressful. Proven fact. Trying to medicate our own brokenness in ministry makes it more stressful. Allow God to heal those broken places and minister in freedom. This decreases stress and increases joy. He came to set us free.