FAQ’s & Contact Us2024-03-23T09:57:05-06:00



We know you have questions. And if you have additional questions, please reach out by contacting us.

Who else will be at the Retreat?2022-04-20T16:09:03-06:00

No more than seven other people. They’ll all be committed Christians as well as the strong possibility of being in or formerly in some form of full-time Christian ministry, and many will be in some sort of life crisis. There are married couples, but we also regularly welcome single individuals. Our guests are from varied Christian denominational groups, ethnic backgrounds, mission sending agencies and many parts of the country and world.

Is everything confidential?2022-04-20T16:17:50-06:00

Confidentiality is a foundational principle of our Christian counseling ministry. Our staff and our participants are all committed to preserving each person’s privacy. And as a professional counseling center we are required by law to maintain confidentiality except for when the law requires us to break it.

What does the 8-day stay look like?2022-08-12T10:39:25-06:00

The 8 days is a purposeful combination of counseling and breaks for rest, prayer, and recreation. After three days of counseling the weekend break is a time to reflect and play and explore the Colorado Rockies. Following the weekend break another three days of counseling allows time to dig deeper into what was discussed earlier and gives opportunity to get practical with next steps.

Descriptions we’ve received from guests include:

  • “The first place I’ve ever felt totally accepted.”
  • “A really safe environment in which to work.”
  • “As a couple, we had time to communicate without interruptions.”
  • “A Godsend.”
How much individual counseling will I receive?2022-11-10T11:46:32-07:00

Each person or couple receives 9 hours of individual counseling and 18 hours of group counseling.

We have very deep issues, is this enough time?2022-08-12T10:40:20-06:00

A counseling intensive can cover as much ground as 3 to 6 months of one hour per week counseling. Our experience has been that the 8 days of intensive, focused time can provide the opportunity for significant progress even on “very deep, core issues. We see the Retreat experience multiplying the effectiveness of the time in counseling. We don’t expect all the issues to be solved completely, however, and follow-up Christian counseling may be recommended.

What is brief intensive counseling?2022-08-12T10:40:47-06:00

Brief intensive counseling is where one receives multiple hours of counseling within a short time. It is designed for those who are stuck, in crisis, or who want to take a significant step forward in a short period of time. The “disconnection” of the mountain retreat setting also allows guests to fully focus on what they came to work on without the distractions of work and home. It is designed to work on focused issues and specific goals and can bring symptom relief, new direction, better self-understanding, and new skill development for better coping. Rather than extended time commitment, the counseling demands intensive commitment over a short period of time. In our case, eight days.

The problem is with me. Does my spouse have to come?2022-08-12T10:41:09-06:00

Yes!! And No. We strongly recommend your spouse comes. First, if you are in ministry you can know for sure that your spouse is also being affected by the life of ministry whatever their role. Second, you both will bring different perspectives that are so helpful for your counselor to hear. Third, if only one spouse comes and they experience big breakthroughs and plans for next steps, it is difficult for the spouse not there to be on the same page. Fourth, if there are any marital issues to be worked on then definitely having both spouses present greatly improves the effectiveness of a marital intervention.

However, we understand that there are situations where it is impossible for both spouses to come so please talk with us about your situation so we together can determine the best scenario for you.

Can we bring our kids?2022-04-20T16:22:44-06:00

No. We are not equipped for childcare — and we don’t want you to be distracted by your children’s needs while you are working on your issues.

Why Marble Retreat instead of weekly counseling?2022-04-20T16:23:52-06:00

The opportunity to have uninterrupted, focused time to deal with issues allows much more progress over the same counseling hours (which is about the same as six months of weekly Christian counseling). We’ve had many guests who have had previous traditional counseling and report that this experience was much more effective for them. For most individuals brief, intensive counseling gives a “jump start” on the healing process.

How successful is the Marble Retreat program?2022-04-20T16:24:17-06:00

The vast majority of retreat guests leave with a renewed sense of hope, new tools for dealing with stress or the focused on issue, deep spiritual and emotional healing, and important self-discovery. Our feedback reports and records indicate that these factors continue to contribute to ongoing growth and healing in about 80% of our guests.

Do you have a waiting list?2022-08-12T10:41:32-06:00

If the intensive that you desire to sign up for is already full, then you can be placed on a waiting list in case there are any cancellations. Sometimes we have openings within the same month you call and sometimes our next intensives are already full and either you can take the first opening that is available, be put on a waiting list, or we can give you referrals if you are looking for something sooner than we have available. If you know you want to come months down the road because you have a break or sabbatical coming then you can also schedule coming to an intensive at a later date.

How is registration done?2022-08-12T10:42:01-06:00

Feel free to contact us via phone (970) 963-2499 or email [email protected] to get started. We will discuss your situation and needs to determine if we are a good fit. We will also look at dates and openings to determine the intensive that works best for you and that is available. Then when an intensive is decided upon you send in your registration form and make a deposit to hold your spot.

Why do people go to Marble Retreat?2022-04-20T16:25:43-06:00

Several circumstances that bring folks to Marble Retreat for Christian counseling include:

  • dealing with depression and burnout, compassion fatigue, trauma on the mission field
  • marital conflict ( restoration following an affair, communication problems, etc.)
  • vocational ( forced termination, mid-life crisis, thinking of leaving ministry, etc.)
  • sexual problems including pornography use
Where is Marble Retreat?2022-08-12T10:42:20-06:00

Marble Retreat is located at the end of a road, against National Forest in the heart of the western Colorado Rockies. Our location ensures peace, quiet, and anonymity, as well as beauty and majesty.

We are about four hours southwest of Denver International Airport. From the Denver area, drive Interstate 70 to Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Travel south from Glenwood Springs on Hwy. 82. About 12 miles from Glenwood turn southwest onto Hwy. 133 at Carbondale. Continue on Hwy. 133 past the town of Redstone. Just before the ascent to McClure Pass, turn left onto County Road 3 toward Marble. Five miles from Hwy. 133 turn left onto Serpentine Trail. Follow this dirt road 1 mile and turn left at the Marble Retreat sign. The retreat lodge is at the cul-de-sac at the end of the dirt drive.

Are there other Christian counseling programs that might interest me?2022-08-12T10:44:31-06:00

Check our Ministry Resources page for a variety of Christian counseling centers.

Contact Us

Marble Retreat does not sell, distribute, give away or otherwise share personal information such as names of those who contact us, email addresses or phone numbers. All contact information is strictly confidential.

Contact Information

Phone: 970.963.2499
email: [email protected]
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 176, Carbondale, Colorado 81623
Retreat Address: 181 Bannockburn, Marble, Colorado 81623

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